This looks as though it’s going to be my last half term holiday – and it’s just gone!
I’ve just got one and a half more weeks as a teacher (currently teaching Supply at a little school on the Roseland peninsular) and then I start my new job as a Children’s Project Worker with Barnardo’s. I feel a mix of worry that I’m going into something completely new, apprehension that I might not have the skill set, regret that I’m leaving a career that I’ve had a real vocation for, excitement that this could take me in a completely new direction, confidence that “of course I have the skill set”… a turmoil of different thoughts. Most of all is the leg-wobbling, stomach-churning reality that I have no idea what a week in my new job will look like. I think it’s a case of suck it and see.
But enough about paid employment… what have I been doing with this last “school holiday”?
- I spent a few days with Hubby’s family. We said our farewells to my mother-in-law as her funeral was on Monday. I know all the mother-in-law horror stories, but in this case they just didn’t apply. She was a lovely, kind, generous and intelligent lady and I am very glad I got the chance to get to know her. Our attention is now on making sure father-in-law is okay. They had been together for over sixty years and I can’t imagine the pain he must be feeling right now as he figures out how to move forward without her.
- I then supervised my daughter and her two friends having a sleepover. This wasn’t just over-night. It was 27 hours. Miss Busy is fantastic, but her friends are hard work! One in particular was extremely over-excited and very loud, and seemed more interested in her TikTok views than in the activities my daughter had planned. I was disappointed that not only did I not get a single “thank you” from them the entire time they were here (bearing in mind I cooked all their meals, paid for them to go swimming and was generally lovely), but neither did my daughter. She’s sad that I’m not impressed with her friends, but if truth be told, I don’t think she was that impressed with them either and came away from her sleepover feeling a bit of an anti-climax. I think you can tell from my tone that I’m still slightly disgruntled about this!
- I’ve been working on the garden – moving soil around, painting fence etc. More pictures to follow as soon as it’s looking half decent!
- Today we headed for a walk on Pentire Head just near Polzeath. Pretty awesome scenery.